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Banyan Tree Phuket


Embrace Rest in the Pearl of the Andaman: Be spellbound in this kaleidoscope of sun-kissed sands, pristine waters, vibrant skies and air perfumed with blissful quietude. Come visit the Andaman's greatest treasure – Phuket Island. Encircling the sparkling waters of a saltwater lagoon, our Banyan Tree luxury resort in Phuket is a sanctuary of hushed repose, the perfect backdrop to the perfectly planned holiday. Enter the hidden world of Banyan Tree Phuket, nestled in the enclave of Laguna Phuket, and step into a tropical fairytale where the roads are lined with casuarinas and palms, the fields are bright with Allamanda blooms and the Bang Tao Bay always sparkles in sapphire brilliance.

Rooms and Villas


